
Education: Charlie Kirk Interviews Kirk Cameron with Wide-Ranging Issue like History, Politics, Religion, Monuments, Protests, Church, Health, Law

Video [80 minutes]


Godspeak Church in Southern California near Ventura, CA hosted Charlie Kirk (also with Turning Point USA) interview of Kirk Cameron July 2020. The interview includes a wide-ranging issues that have been highlighted in the current state of American affairs. The issues involve history, religion, politics, protests, constitution, freedom, tyranny, power, truth, health, science, law, etc. Several resources like names, places, monuments, etc. are mentioned, allowing one to reference and further use or discover depth to the interview.


There are several people, topics, and resources mentioned throughout the interview which are incredibly helpful to utilize or learn more. Here are some links for those.

  1. William (Bill) Federer - American author:

  2. William (Bill) Federer - Books: American Minute book and others.

  3. Monumental Documentary (DVD and online stream):

  4. National Monument to our Forefathers (i.e. Matrix of Liberty statue):,world's%20largest%20solid%20granite%20monument.

  5. Ravi Zacharias:

  6. J. Vernon McGee: and Thru the Bible


Life: Learning about searching the internet privately and securely

  1. Forbes published a review article in 2018 about using internet search engines entitled, “Why You Should Ditch Google Search and Use DuckDuckGo.”

  2. Solarwinds pingdom published a review post on how companies collect data when searching the internet entitled, “How Google Collects Data About You and the Internet.

  3. published a review page on ‘surveillance software’ on everyone using the internet entitled, “Review: Google Chrome has become surveillance software. It’s time to switch.”