Financial Advice

Finances: A Challenge to Be Different with Your Life and Finances

Finances: A Challenge to Be Different with Your Life and Finances

Dave Ramsey provides a deep, gut check challenge to be different in this world with your life and finances in the video resource, "Normal Sucks. It's Time to be Weird." People tend to make conscious excuses, fall under emotional strain, continue with bad advice, and give up. It's time to be different! Different from the world and different because of God's work in the heart and mind to live for him. We no longer live for the standards of the world, but rather, live for the Creator of this world and according to his command and counsel.

Listen to the video resource in a receptive way to be challenged regardless of age or stage of life. Listen to not defend or defer but to determine a different direction. Listen not with soft ears easily offended but ready for deep life change. And, if you have received and live by godly counsel, then it's time to counsel others in real life!